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Functions Graphic.
Calculation of mixed, improper fraction and recurring decimal (repeating decimal, periodic numbers).
Periodic number to fraction
Fraction to decimal, Decimal to fraction
Operations with matrices, vectors and complex numbers.
Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, ctan.
The calculation of trigonometric functions in degrees and radians. Use symbol ° for degrees, symbol ' for minute, symbol '' for second.
Inverse trigonometric functions: asin, acos, atan, actan
Secant (sec), Cosecant (csc).
Logarithms: ln, lg, log
Ln: natural logarithm.
Lg: common logarithm.
Constants: π, e
Hyperbolic functions: sh, ch, th, cth
The square root √, the root of n-th degree ⁿ√, Module | a |, Signum (sign), exponentiation aⁿ.
Combination, Arrangement, Factorial (!)
The sum and product elements of the sequence: Σ, П
Brackets: ( ) [ ] { }
Base conversion of numbers and operations with different base (binary, ternary, quintal, octal, hexadecimal, decimal, base n).
Calculations of limit, definite integral.
Percent (%)
Least (Lowest) Common Multiple (LCM) for fraction and integer numbers
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for fraction and integer numbers
Matrices determinant, rang, inverse, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Complex numbers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division